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GNOT Zone Final (August 2024)
Top two contending teams advance to the ABF GNOT Online Final on 21 & 22 September.

Results after 9 of 6 matches
Place Team (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LGold pts
1 Toowoomba Snook (1)102 124.097-0-23.98
2 Toowoomba Eastment (10)57 109.476-0-33.05
3 Toowoomba Curin (6)32 103.085-1-32.47
4 Toowoomba Duke (2)26 99.816-0-32.21
5 Toowoomba Hanson (4)10 93.814-1-41.08
6 Warwick (9)2 90.324-0-50.96
7 Goondiwindi (5)-27 79.964-0-50.96
8 Dalby (3)-32 77.543-0-60.72
9 Toowoomba Edwards (7)-67 67.063-0-60.72
10 Toowoomba Wills (8)-103 54.862-0-70.48
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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