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GNOT Qualifying Heat C (July 2024)
Results after 8 of 8 matches
Place CatTeam (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LGold pts
1 N JESSER (2)138 121.847-1-02.40
2 N SNOOK (1)97 108.075-2-11.92
3 N TAYLOR (19)42 94.195-0-31.60
4 N DUKE (8)45 93.834-1-31.44
5 N WILLS (7)45 93.545-1-21.76
6 C HUNT (9)46 93.094-1-31.44
7 C WIPPELL (6)48 91.864-1-31.44
8 C MOLLISON (12)24 88.505-1-21.76
9 C MUNDELL (3)23 87.485-0-31.60
10 N KIRKPATRICK (4)35 87.054-0-41.28
11 C PORTER (20)28 85.994-0-41.28
12 N BRAZIER (11)-7 77.764-0-41.28
13 C EDWARDS (5)-8 77.034-0-41.28
14 C GILCHRIST (10)-28 76.965-0-31.60
15 C BARRETT (14)-21 74.983-0-50.96
16 C PIETSCH (13)-33 70.773-0-50.96
17 C BROWN (15)-63 61.173-0-50.96
18 C MONTAGUE (17)-61 59.822-0-60.64
19 N MCDOUGALL (18)-82 54.481-0-70.32
20 N COWARD (21)-135 41.512-0-60.64
21 N DAVIES (16)-133 40.081-0-70.32
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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