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Raffle Ticket Sellers - Marie Steger and Gretchen Graf
Raffle Prize Winners
Limited copies of "A History of Toowoomba Bridge Club" are for sale at the Clubhouse
Tournament Director Chris Snook
Caddy Dave Mulherin
2nd Place Division C - Claudia Gibson and Linda Almond present by Ngaire Wills (Congress Convenor)
Ist Place Division C - Mark Hunt and Terry Sheedy
Ist Place Division B - John Churchett and Kerry Gibson
3rd Place Division A - Eileen Josey and Ngaire Wills
2nd Place Division A - Murray Perrin and Gabrielle Elich
Ist Place Division A - Nikolas Moore and Vanessa Brewis
President Greg Munck, Tournament Director Glenys Clift and Toowoomba Bridge Club Patron Clive Berghofer
Chris Snook and Kathy Duke
Glenys with caddy Sandy Fraser
Our Catering Team - Glenys and Deb Archer
The following images show pairs at play throughout the day.
Division C 5th Place - Judy Bodkin and Jen Darlington presented by Glenys and our Patron, Clive Berghofer
Division C 4th Place - Dianne Dwyer and Shea Stanley
Division C 3rd Place - Steve and Margaret Savage
Division C 2nd Place - Graeme Ryan and Athol Kerridge
Division C 1st Place - Diana Bryant and Judy Barkla
Division B 3rd Place - Kathleen and Dave Mulherin
Division B 2nd Place - Marilyn Oakroot and Ken Orange
Division B 1st Place - Teena Haslam and Morgan Tullock
Division A 3rd Place - Gwendoline Francis and Diana Drummond
Division A 2nd Place - Trevor Henderson and John Churchett
Division A 1st Place - Shanaal de Zoysa and Hema de Zoysa
Our Tournament Director - Chris Snook
Rookies and Open Teams
Novice and Restricted Teams
The Rookies at play
The amazing Kitchen Crew lead by Deb Archer and Michele Alroe
1st Place Rookies - Athol Kerridge, Bernie Wills, Graeme Ryan and Julie Kerridge
1st Place Novice Teams - Roger Green, Alison Lewis, Murray Pietsch and Tim Porter
Ist Place Restricted Teams - Helen Fitzgerald, Pauline Curin, Andrew Mollison and Kerry Gibson
2024 - 25 Management Committee
Tournament Director - Chris Snook
Two of our Caddies - Murray Pietsch and John Churchett
Raffle Ticket Seller - Bernie Wills
Lucky Raffle Prize Winners
Members of the Catering Team - Michele Alroe, Melanie Simmons and Ann Downs (Deb Archer absent)
1st Place Novice Pairs (Under 50) - Judy Bodkin and Jenni Darlington presented by Ngaire Wills (Congress Convenor)
3rd Place Novice Pairs (Under 100) - Kerry Brown and Don Adsett
2nd Place Novice Pairs (Under 100) - Trevor and Yvonne Mallory
1st Place Novice Pairs (Under 100) - Alison Banks and Teena Haslam
3rd Place Under 500 - Dianne Hiles and Richard Booth
2nd Place Under 500 - Julie Pigdon and Kathy Duke
1st Place Under 500 - Hema de Zoysa and Shanaal de Zoysa
Chief Tournament Director - Chris Snook
Caddies Michele Alroe and Tony Pattison
The Catering Team - Christine Gilshenan, Annette Mitchell and Jan Flynn
Raffle Prize Winners - Pauline Curin
Jim Wood
1st Place Division C - Desley Hanrahan, Lyn Vary, Suzanne Brazier and Rosalyn Wright presented by Tim Porter (Congress Convenor) and Greg Munck (TBC President)
1st Place Division B - Greg Munck, David Roberts, Ngaire Wills and Eileen Josey
2nd Place Division A - June Glenn, Jim Wood, Jenni Buckley and Alan Hamilton
1st Place Division A - Ron Clark, Pamela Evans, James Evans and Janeen Solomon (absent)
Highest Placed Novice Pair - Judy Bodkin and Jenni Darlington being presented by Congress Convenor, Tim Porter, and Club President, Greg Munck.
Highest Placed Restricted Pair - Paul Matthews and Kathy Duke
Division C 3rd Place - Naureen Gearon and Rebecca Knight
Division C 2nd Place - Rozalyn Wright and Suzanne Brazier (absent)
Division C 1st Place - Jill Dunning and Sue Ziegenfuss
Division B 2nd Place - Denise Hartwig and Mavis Simpson
Division B 1st Place and Shield for Highest Placed Toowoomba Pair - Trevor Henderson and John Churchett
Open 3rd Place - Majorie Askew and Bill Powell
Open 2nd Place - Tony Hutton and Kim Morrison
Open 1st Place and Pairs Congress Championship Shield - Ann McGhee and Gillian Mason
Open 1st Place and Nancy Penfold Memorial Shield - Ann McGhee and Gillian Mason
Chief Tournament Director - Chris Snook
Thank you to all of our volunteers without whom this event would not have been the success that it was. Our gardens and flowers were a joy to behold. Thank you to Margaret Tucker and Garden Crew.
Caddies - Glenys Clift and Michele Alroe
Caddies - Bernie Wills and Murray Pietsch
Delicious food prepared by the Catering Team (too many to mention) under the direction of Adrienne Montague
Raffle Organisers and Sellers - Maree Neale and Marie Steger
Lucky Raffle Prize Winners
Raffle Ticket Sellers - Robert Ramsay and Maree Neale
Raffle Ticket Sellers - Judy Barkla and Sue Gregor
Lucky Raffle Prize Winners
Congress Greeters - Tracy Collen and Steven Lee
Car Park Attendants - Bernie Wills and Ken Orange
Car Park Attendants - Mark Hunt and Tony Pattison
Car Park Attendants - Roger Green and Sandy Fraser
Division C 1st Place - Rebecca Knight, Naureen Gearon, Suzanne Brazier and Rozalyn Wright
Division B 1st Place - Lilly Jia, John Morris, Vanessa Brewis and Jenny McGowan
Open 3rd Place - Kim Morrison, Nikolas Moore, Rachel Langdon and Tony Hutton
Open 2nd Place - Majorie Askew, Bill Powell, Winston Guymer and Paul Smith
Open 1st Place and Hiley-McCutcheon Shield - Magnus Moren, Neville Francis, Ralph Parker and Sanmugaras Kamalarasa
Some pairs will go to any length to keep the opposition on their toes, even trying to look alike!🤣🤣
20 Teams competed on the day across three grades
Director and Coordinator of Teams of Three - Chris Snook
Just some of the Function and Catering Team helpers ably lead by our Catering Manager - Adrienne Montague
C Grade Winners - Denise Hartwig (Team Mentor), Steven Lee, Eric Rudorfer and Tracy Collen
B Grade Winners - Dianne Dwyer, Ian Costin, Shea Stanley and Paul Matthews (Team Mentor)
A Grade Winners - Aino Jaatinen, David Edwards (Team Mentor), Pauline Curin and Debra Coward
28 Pairs begin play on Sunday 4 August
The Catering Team - Bev and Ross McCasker
Congress Director Chris Snook
Division C - First Place - Terry Sheedy and Mark Hunt
Division B - First Place - Carol Edwards and David Edwards presented by Chris Snook (Congress Director)
Division A - Third Place - Shanaal de Zoysa and Hema de Zoysa
Division A - Second Place - Mavis Simpson and Denise Hartwig
Division A - First Place - Will Higgins and John Erlandson
Novice Team Third Place - Peter Green, Sue Green, Chris Ferguson and Eve Sirigos presented by Club Vice President and Congress Convenor - Tim Porter
Novice Team Second Place - Jenni Darlington, Marie Steger, Judy Bodkin and Gretchen Graf
Novice Team First Place - Debra Coward, Andrew Mollison, Kerry Gibson and Pauline Curin
Under 500 Third Place - Desley Hanrahan, Suzanne Brazier, Rozalyn Wright and Lyn Vary
Under 500 Second Place - Mavis Simpson, John Erlandson, Joan Mladen and Robert Fulcher
Under 500 First Place - Jennifer McGowan, Vanessa Brewis, Marge Henry and Sally Hall
Deb Archer and Adrienne Montague - part of the amazing catering team. Thank you also to Maree Neale.
One of the raffle prizes
Enjoying fellowship at the conclusion of play
The Catering Team - Eleanor Johnson, Deb Archer and Adrienne Montague (Catering Manager)
Patron’s Day Graded Pairs with Chris Snook (Director)
Under 50 Third Place - Mark Hunt and Terry Sheedy presented by Marie Steger (Club Treasurer) on behalf of the Toowoomba Bridge Club Committee
Under 50 Second Place - Steven Lee and Tracy Collen
Under 50 First Place - Brenda Quick and Jeanette Dalton
Under 200 First Place - Lawrence Price and Tim Porter
Under 200 Second Place - Aino Jaatinen and Pauline Curin
Under 200 Third Place - Susie and Sandy Fraser
Open First Place - Ian Jesser and Henry Eastment
Open Second Place - Rod Brilliant and Eileen Josey
Open Third Place - Hema de Zoysa and Shanaal de Zoysa (absent)
The Kitchen Crew - Kim Nalder, Michael Kaiser and Val Shield
Equal Third Place Novice Final - Murray Pietsch and Michael Rose-Miller
Equal Third Place Novice Final - Rosanne Munns and Dale Burey
Second Place Novice Final - Debra Coward and Andrew Mollison
First Place Novice Final - Pauline Curin and Kerry Gibson
First Place Open Plate - Laurie-Marie McRoberts and Kathy Duke
Second Place Open Final - Denise Hartwig and Chris Snook
First Place Open Final - Adrian Mayers and Will Higgins
First Place Novice Plate (E/W) - Helen Fitzgerald and Ann Downs
First Place Novice Final (N/S) - Pauline Curin and Debra Coward
First Place Open Plate (E/W) - Ruth Hanson and Diana Drummond
First Place Open Plate (N/S) - Sandy and Susie Fraser
First Place Open Final - Kathy Duke and Paul Matthews
First Place - Restricted Team (Under 300 MP) - Dennis Lincoln, Pam Steele, Kathy Duke and Paul Matthews
First Place Open Team - Adrian Mayers, John Erlandson, Will Higgins and Liz Zeller
First Place Under 100 Matchpoints presented by Tim Porter and President Greg Munck to Heather Douglas and Peter Wilce (Kenmore Bridge Club)
Second Place - Tim Porter and Roger Green
Third Place - Andrew Mollison and Helen Fitzgerald
First Place Under 500 Masterpoints - Hema and Shanaal De Zoysa
Second Place - Ruth Sargent (Dalby Bridge Club) and Dennis Lincoln (not in photo)
Third Place - Paul Matthews and Kathy Duke
Best B Grade (Under 500MP) - Bev and Ross McCasker
Tournament Director Chris Snook
1st Place Division A - Normand MacLaurin, Larry Moses, Richard Fox and Ralph Parker
2nd Place Division 1 - Ivy Luck, John Luck, Sue O'Brien and Paul Collins
1st Place Division B - Hema De Zoysa, Shanaal De Zoysa, Kathy Duke and Laurie-Marie McRoberts
2nd Place Division B - David Roberts, Libby Thorne, Paul Matthews and Tony Thorne
Vice President Tim Porter welcomes members to the TBC Christmas Party and Awards Presentation 2023.
Over 100 members attended the Luncheon following the Awards Presentation and Book Launch.
Winners of the "Best Dressed" Award.
Each year members donate gifts and money to the Salvation Army Christmas Appeal presented at the Christmas Party.
This year members donated a large number of gifts and $1,353.50 in cash.
Vice President Tim Porter provides the introduction to the official launch of the Toowoomba Bridge Club History Book 1959 - 2022.
Copies of the book are still available for purchase. Please refer to Toowoomba Bridge Club email sent 29 October for more information.
Glenys Clift is acknowledged as the author and chief editor of the book, with many others including Henry Eastment contributing to this outstanding production.
Following photos show Chris Snook presenting "Certificates of Achievement" to the highest performance in 2023 at each Masterpoint Ranking. Diana Bryant receives hers for players under 2 Masterpoints.
Graduate Master - Stephen Nugent
Club Master - Marie Steger
Local Master - Adrienne Montague
Bronze Local Master - Kerry Gibson
Silver Local Master - Pauline Curin
Regional Master - Andrew Mollison
State Masters - Sandy and Susie Fraser
National Master - Robert Fulcher
Silver Life Master - Trevor Henderson
Gold Life Master - Denise Hartwig
Grand Master - Liz Zeller
Highest Master Points earned in 2023 - Denise Hartwig
Winning Performances in Congresses throughout 2023
Col Martin Shield - Chris Snook and Mohan Trada
Tuesday Night Teams Winners - Ngaire Wills and Eileen Josey
Club Pairs Championship Winners (Restricted) - John Ryan and Dave Mulherin (absent)
Club Pairs Championship Winners - Chris Snook and Denise Hartwig
Club Teams Championship Winners (Restricted)
Clive Berghofer Pairs Championship - Chris Snook and Denise Hartwig
2023 TBC Management Committee
January 2023 U500 and Novice Congress - Hema & Shanaal De Zoysa , Winners of the U500 section
Open Day January 29th 2023
January 2023 U500 and Novice Congress
Monday 9th January, 22 tables, 3 sections, great to see you all back in 2023
Monday 9th January, 22 tables, 3 sections, great to see you all back in 2023
Monday 9th January, 22 tables, 3 sections, great to see you all back in 2023
Monday 9th January, 22 tables, 3 sections, great to see you all back in 2023
Monday 9th January, 22 tables, 3 sections, great to see you all back in 2023
Monday 9th January, 22 tables, 3 sections, great to see you all back in 2023
Patrons Day 2021 3rd Placed (C Section) - Simon Wicks & Ian Costin with Presenters Glenys Clift & Henry Eastment
Patrons Day 2021 Runners Up (C Section) - Alison Eising and Lynn Hall with Presenters Glenys Clift & Henry Eastment
Patrons Day 2021 Winners (C Section) - Tim Porter & Roger Green with Presenters Glenys Clift & Henry Eastment
Patrons Day 2021 3rd Placed (B Section) - John Ryan & Peter Bryce (Absent) with Presenters Glenys Clift & Henry Eastment
Patrons Day 2021 Runners up (B Section) -Ken Orange & Dave Mulherin with Presenters Glenys Clift & Henry Eastment
Patrons Day 2021 Winners (B Section) - Andrew Mollison & Paul Woods with Presenters Glenys Clift & Henry Eastment
Patrons Day 2021 3rd Placed A Grade - Glenys Clift & Trev Henderson with Presenter Henry Eastment
Patrons Day 2021 Runners Up A Grade -Rod Brilliant & Eileen Josey (Absent) with Presenters Glenys Clift & Henry Eastment
Patrons Day 2021 Winners A Grade (Ian Jesser & Henry Eastment)
Management Committee for 2020/21
Management Committee for 2018/19
Management Committee for 2017/18
2017 Butler Pairs 1st - President Denise Hartwig with winners Ross Murtagh and Barbara Kent
2017 Butler Pairs 2nd - Tony Hutton and Richard Ward
2017 Butler Pairs 1st in Plate - Denise Hartwig and Mavis Simpson
2017 Butler Pairs 3rd in Plate - Valarie and Peter Robbins
2017 Butler Pairs 1st in Consolation - Dave and Carol Edwards
2017 Butler Pairs 2nd in Consolation - Paul Matthews and David Roberts (our Convenor)
2017 Novice Pairs congress - Directors award for most improved - Michael Mumford and Alison Banks
2017 Novice Pairs congress - Directors award for most improved - Virginia Hathaway and Anne Fisher
2017 Novice Pairs congress 3rd in consolation - Desley Hanrahan and Alastair Nixon
2017 Novice Pairs congress 2nd in consolation - Lawrence Price and Greg Munck
2017 Novice Pairs Congress 1st in consolation - Neville Lutton and Pam Davies
2017 Novice Pairs Congress 3rd in plate - Libbie and Tony Thorne
2017 Novice Pairs Congress 2nd in Plate - Colleen Wildman and Judy King
2017 Novice Pairs Congress 1st in plate - Jamie Long and John Cox
2017 Novice Pairs Congress 3rd place - Shelley and Chris Farr
2017 Novice Pairs congress 2nd place - David and Carol Edwards
2017 Novice Pairs Congress winners - Keith Cohen and David Le Good